Membership Types

ACNL Membership Types

ACNL offers several types of membership: Regular, Emeritus, Affiliate, and Lifetime.

Read about each below or click the JOIN ACNL button above to join now.

ACNL Regular Membership

Regular Member is defined as registered nurses who function in leadership roles that optimize wellness.
A registered nurse who:

  • has responsibility for management and/or leadership of the patient care process, or
  • manages financial resources in healthcare, or
  • manages and directs appropriate allocation and utilization of human resources in healthcare, or
  • provides education and/or consultation to healthcare providers or consumers of healthcare, or
  • provides healthcare in an advanced and/or independent practice role, or
  • designs, conducts or evaluates research in healthcare, or
  • publishes, edits or authors for a healthcare publication, or
  • provides leadership in regulatory and other nursing and healthcare organizations, or
  • is past president of the corporation regardless of current work position.

Regular Members have full voting privileges
Annual Membership: $210

Emeritus Membership

Emeritus Membership is an active ACNL member for 5 years or more, age 62 or older, working less than 25% time.

Emeritus Members have full voting privileges
Annual Membership: $120

ACNL Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Member is an individual who is not a registered nurse, but has a direct communication or connection with nurse leaders on a regular basis and who either contributes to the profession of nursing or who serves the profession in a support role (Formerly Professional Colleague).

Affiliate members have no voting privileges.
Annual Membership: $180

ACNL Lifetime Membership 

Lifetime membership is available to ACNL members who are 65 and over and have been ACNL members for at least 10 consecutive years. In order to obtain Lifetime Membership, please contact the ACNL office.

Lifetime members have full voting privileges.
Lifetime Membership: $1,200

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