The logo for the acnl association of california nurse leaders

ACNL Committees

ACNL Committees

Annual Program

The purpose of this committee is to plan and orchestrate the coming year's annual conference.

Janet Hanley - Chair
Brandi Cassingham - Co-Chair


The Bylaws Committee performs an annual review and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors for adding, amending, deleting or making any other changes in the bylaws.

Dale Beatty - Chair


The goal of this committee is to strengthen ACNL’s voice and influence by utilizing effective communication strategies and consistent messaging.

Mary Kay Shibley - Chair
Elyse Shelger - Co-Chair
Rachael Murray - Co-Chair


The Finance Committee monitors ACNL's finances and assists the Board of Directors in determining the appropriate financial direction of the organization.

Sonia Valdez - Chair

Health Policy

The purpose of the Health Policy Committee is education and advocacy. The committee is charged with analyzing and monitoring current regulatory and legislative issues.

Mary Lynne Knighten - Chair
Marlena Montgomery - Co-Chair

Healthy Work Environment

The Healthy Work Environment Committee is charged with linking resources and best practices, identifying and creating resources and tools for nurse leaders that support and foster excellence in patient care.

Nancy Blake - Chair
Danielle Gabele - Co-Chair

Member Experience

The Member Experience Committee develops strategies to recruit and retain ACNL members. The committee is also charged with the oversight of ACNL’s marketing plan.

Janette Moreno - Chair
Amy Rice - Co-Chair

Nurse Leadership Development

The purpose of the Nurse Leadership Development Committee is to help evaluate, plan and recommend programs and events that meet the educational needs of ACNL’s diverse membership. This dynamic team also develops outcome measurements for nursing leadership development.

Salma Mansour - Chair
Norie Bencito Acaac - Co-Chair


The Nominations Committee manages the process for vetting board candidates and compiles and presents the final roster for elections.

Laurie Ecoff - Chair

Quality, Safety, and Engagement

This team promotes quality and patients safety initiatives by gathering and sharing information, resources and best practices with ACNL members.

Sarah Ferrari - Chair

Recognition and Scholarship

This committee oversees ACNL's scholarships and recognition awards.

Jeffery Hudson-Covolo - Chair
Anne Tanner - Co-Chair
Mary Lopez - Co-Chair


This committee promotes the value of research to improve nursing practice and recommends, implements and evaluates ACNL research projects and priorities.

Kim Failla - Co-Chair
Sarah Flores - Co-Chair

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